Trend in ASEAN-China Relations in Coming Years


Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences. Email:


ASEAN, China, relations, trend.


Over the past few decades, ASEAN-China relations have achieved significant milestones. This article aims to identify the factors that affect ASEAN-China relations in the political, diplomatic, security, defense, and economic dimensions. The challenge to the development of political and diplomatic relations between ASEAN and China is the imbalance and lack of trust in their relationship. Based on these factors, the article analyzes and predicts the future trend of ASEAN-China relations. The future of ASEAN-China relations will be determined by international and regional factors, the internal situations of ASEAN countries, ASEAN’s motivations for cooperating with China, ASEAN’s centrality, and China’s Southeast Asia policy. It is expected that ASEAN-China relations will continue to develop through bilateral and multilateral mechanisms. ASEAN-China economic relations are forecasted to have significant opportunities to expand. However, the prospects of ASEAN-China relations face significant challenges arising from the internal situations in both ASEAN and China, as well as external economic, political, and security environments.

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