Identifying Theoretical Issues in Vietnamese Criminal Laws under Impacts of Fourth Industrial Revolution


Trịnh Tiến Việt
University of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Email:


Criminal law; industry 4.0; crime; crime constituent; criminal liability


The Fourth Industrial Revolution has multidimensional impacts, not only bringing significant advantages and substantial benefits to society, but also posing threats and potential dangers. These include infringements upon security, national sovereignty, social order, safety, human rights, and citizens’ freedoms. Therefore, to promptly address current and potential acts harmful to society that have caused or may cause damage, as well as anticipate changes in methods and acts of committing crimes facilitated by Industry 4.0, this paper identifies new theoretical issues in Vietnam’s criminal laws under the influence of Industry 4.0. It aims to provide inputs for policymakers in the development and improvement of criminal laws. The following are the key recommendations: 1) Legislators should collaborate with technologists and scientists in other fields to develop a law on artificial intelligence (AI) soon; 2) There should be a comprehensive review of theoretical issues and awareness related to all AI-related matters; 3) The legal system and relevant laws pertaining to Industry 4.0 and associated laws of the Penal Code, often referred to as “satellite” laws, should be further reviewed and improved. This will help establish a comprehensive legal framework for crime prevention and other procedural laws.

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