Evaluating a Blended Learning Course of Business English at A University in Hanoi


Hanoi University of Industry. Email: tranthiduyen@haui.edu.vn


Blended learning; evaluation; evaluating a blended learning course.


The study focused on evaluating a blended learning course on Business English at Hanoi University of Industry. The purpose was to assess the course’s effectiveness from three perspectives: meeting student requirements, achieving learning outcomes, and refining the course. Quantitative analysis was conducted on students’ Grade Point Average (GPA) and course evaluation survey data, while qualitative analysis was performed on students’ learning reflections. The findings indicated that the course helped students achieve their learning outcomes, and overall, students expressed satisfaction with various aspects of the course, particularly the learning materials and content, learning assessment, tasks and activities, learning support, and learning mode. Furthermore, course modifications should concentrate on incorporating communication functions into online learning to facilitate interaction between students and teachers. Additionally, teachers should exhibit greater flexibility in utilizing both the native language and the target language during instruction. This study provides a systematic framework for evaluating an ESP blended course and offers implications for evaluating blended courses in other language curricula.


Blended learning; evaluation; evaluating a blended learning course.

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